So, here's my take episode-to-episode.
"The Shooting Star She Saw"
Episode one
Five children depart their colonies for Earth in an operation to removes despots from power. Four land without incident,
but Heero Yuy is intercepted in flight.
Without the corny narration in the beginning, this would have been a fine episode. The musicians didn't score this very
well, further dragging this down. Also, the dialogue from the Specials is kind of weird in translation. Luckily, when this
aired, I had to miss it, meaning I started watching from episode two on. Good thing, because this one would have turned me
off from the series.
Episode two: "The Gundam Deathscythe"
The entrance of Duo is nothing but cool, but the thoughts and actions of Relena are puzzling. At this point of the series,
she hasn't fully grown up from a fantasy world. Heero, I take it, isn't ready to deal with with her. The result is a series
of amusing conundrums.