Chang WuFei (05)
Age: 16 as of AC196
Hair: Black
Eyes Black
Height 5'1"/156 cm
Weight 101 lbs/46 kg
Origin: L5
Family: Shiron Clan? Professor O
Pilots: The Shenlong (Dragon God) Gundam
Possessing a strong sense of justice and honor, Nataku - or Meiran - couldn't stand by and watch while others were killed
by war. This and more often made her at odds with Wufei's scholary nature. After a very short period of time together, in
which the couple did actually learn to like each other, Meiran was killed while protecting her colony. Thus to be worthy of
her as a husband, Wufei adopted all her ideals for honor and justice and with the help of Doctor O, became the ace pilot of
the Gundam Shenlong, whom he named 'Nataku'.
He is Milliardo Peacecraft, one of only two Peacecrafts to survive the fall of the Sanq Kingdom (also spelled Cinq Kingdom).
Not knowing what else to do, he chose to avenge his fallen family from within...but when he once more stepped into the palace
in Sanq, he knew that he was not fit to rule: his hands too stepped in blood from countless battles.